Public utility
Bonneville Power Administration
The Bonneville Power Administration delivers reliable, affordable, and carbon-free hydropower produced in the Columbia River Basin to communities across the Northwest.
Douglas County PUD
Douglas County Public Utility District (DPUD) is one of more than 2,000 public power systems that provides power on a not-for-profit basis in the United States.
DPUD runs 5 MW renewable hydrogen pilot project in East Wenatchee.
Energy mix:
41.4% hydropower
3.5% nuclear
3.3% wind
Energy Northwest
Energy Northwest is a consortium of 28 public utility districts and municipalities across Washington.
Energy mix:
– nuclear
– hydropower
– solar
– wind
Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB)
Founded in 1911, the Eugene Water & Electric Board is Oregon’s largest customer-owned utility.
Energy mix:
77% hydropower
7% nuclear
6% biomass
6% wind
0.1% solar
Idaho Power
Idaho Power a locally operated energy company headquartered in Boise, Idaho.
Energy mix:
31% hydropower
10% wind
4% solar
2% geothermal & other
20% market purchase
MCE is your local default not-for-profit renewable electricity provider in 36 communities across Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, and Solano Counties.
Nepal Electricity Authority ❘
Nepal Electricity Authority
Portland General Electric
Portland General Electric Company (PGE) is publicly-owned vertically integrated electric utility engaged in the generation, purchase, transmission, distribution, and retail sale of electricity in the state of Oregon.
Energy mix:
26% hydropower
10% wind
3% solar
Seattle City Light
Seattle City Light, one of the nation’s largest publicly owned utilities, generates and delivers affordable, reliable, and carbon-free hydropower to the homes, businesses, and communities in Seattle and the surrounding areas. Energy mix:
86% hydropower
5% wind
5% nuclear
1% biogas
Tacoma Power
Tacoma Public Utilities provides services that are vital to our quality of life. Tacoma Power, Tacoma Water and Tacoma Rail are all part of the TPU group of companies.
Energy mix:
80% hydropower
10% wind
6% nuclear
1% solar
0.5% biomass & biogas