Accelerating the development of next-generation clean energy and transportation technologies in Washington state.

The Challenge

Major industries—from transportation services to energy production to consumer electronics—depend on materials that are imported from just a few places within the earth’s crust, and often mined using practices that harm humans and damage the environment. This unsustainable use of conflict resources and rare earth minerals have resulted in stifled growth in new industries, the advancement of human-rights violating regimes and environmentally damaging mining practices.

The Solution

A state-wide focus on developing earth-abundant materials technologies within existing innovation and manufacturing competencies will help propel Washington state into a position of national leadership in sustainable manufacturing practices within large scale (transportation) and growth (clean energy) industries. JCDREAM provides the organizational framework to stimulate innovation in this sector, supported and administered by Washington State University (WSU).

Critical Minerals for Washington State

This report, produced by FP Analytics, highlights the specific ways that key sectors of the Washington State economy depend on critical mineral supply chains — while also reveals opportunities for state policymakers to lead the way in risk mitigation and supply diversification.
Read The Report

Critical Minerals for H2 Hub

This analysis, produced by FP Analytics, helps inform the region’s long-term hydrogen development strategy by identifying critical mineral risks throughout the green hydrogen value chain along with key supply chain requirements.
Read The Analysis


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